5. Commitment to an Open and Accountable Council

I stand for a council that represents its community and is therefore open and accessible to any wishing to attend. I would envisage full Council meetings will be held every fortnight although these will be more often initially. There will be considerable strategic and planning meetings in addition to these. I am proposing that regardless of the timing and every second meeting will be held in Roma with the others alternating around the region.

I anticipate and advocate full day meetings for the simple reason that better decisions are made when councillors are not trying to fit council work around their own. The concept of rotating meetings around the council area acknowledges Roma as the head office and population centre while still representing the broader geographic community. I will strive to ensure the whole of councils’ operations are underpinned by the principles of equity and fairness.

Contact Scruff at robertlough [at] bigpond [dot] com